The Adore Girls

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3 Reasons to Book a Boudoir Shoot.

As 2021 is winding down, a lot of women (ourselves included) tend to reflect upon the experiences they’ve had this past year, evaluate where they are today, and begin to set new personal goals for the year ahead. Today, we are going to discuss three very important reasons why booking a boudoir photoshoot at The Adore Girls’ studio in Nashville, TN should definitely be at the top of YOUR goal list for 2022!

1 - It’s time to RESET and RENEW.

Let’s just start by stating the obvious - the last two years have SUCKED! We have been dealing with a global pandemic since the beginning of 2020, which has been an extremely stressful, sad, frustrating, and confusing time for everyone. In fact, when trying to recall events that took place in 2020 and 2021, I’ll bet you’ve found yourself thinking (probably on more than one occasion), “The last couple of years have been such a blur!”

After not quite feeling like ourselves for the past two years, 2022 is going to be the perfect time for you to press the energetic Reset button, renew your spirit, and book a boudoir session! After all, there’s no better way to kick off a brand new year than to treat yourself to a day of some much-deserved pampering and a fun, yet empowering photo shoot that will capture what a strong, brave, and resilient woman you are, especially after all you’ve been though!

2 - This is your opportunity to inspire others!

Some of the most common hesitations we’ve heard from women in regard to booking a boudoir session are, “I need to lose weight first,” and, “I don’t think I could ever look that sexy,” followed closely by, “I’m too old for that now.” These types of insecurities have no doubt been instilled within our minds by the unrealistic beauty standards that were portrayed in the media throughout most of our lives.

Thankfully, great strides have been made in the media and fashion industries in recent years to change those antiquated standards by recognizing the beauty that is found in a much wider variety of female bodies, ages, ethnicities, characteristics, and abilities. As a result, more women are now celebrating the qualities that make them uniquely sexy - everything from gorgeous curves to naturally gray hair!

The best way to ensure that this beauty revolution continues to thrive is to actually become a part of it yourself by embracing your OWN beauty and inspiring other women to do the same. What better way to do that than by having a boudoir session? Many of our clients have told us that the reason they booked a session was because a past Adore Girl highly recommended the experience to them. Other women have told us they felt encouraged to book a session after they saw the photos in our Portfolio of all the beautiful women with whom they shared a similar body type, age, and/or other certain physical characteristics. Booking a boudoir session in 2022 is YOUR opportunity to become the empowered woman who empowers other women!

3 - Self-love isn’t a trend, it’s a necessity.

For centuries, we were taught that women shouldn’t tend to their own wants and needs before caring for others, because that makes them seem selfish and self-absorbed. Some of us were also wrongly lead to believe that women shouldn’t express their emotions or ask for help in dealing with them, because that will just upset and burden others. However, as we approach the year 2022, the idea of repressing one’s feelings, desires, and needs could not be more outdated or frowned upon. In fact, people (especially women) are now being strongly encouraged to prioritize their own physical and mental health.

As mental health awareness continues to improve and become more normalized within our society (and hooray for that!), the term “self-love” has also grown increasingly popular. But what does that mean, exactly? Merriam-Webster defines self-love as:

  1. an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue

  2. proper regard for and attention to one’s own happiness or well-being

As a result of the growing self-love movement, women are no longer feeling guilty about investing in themselves. Today, we understand that the best gift we can give others is to be the absolute BEST version of ourselves, which includes being able to appreciate our bodies, see our own beauty, and truly know our worth. It is in this capacity that The Adore Girls have been able to help thousands of women over the years (since 2012), and we would absolutely love the opportunity to do the same for you in 2022!

Make this year the year that you renew your spirit and inspire others by investing in your own happiness and well-being!

Become an Adore Girl!

Contact our office Monday - Friday, 9:00-5:00, via call to 615-336-4256

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