“Sexy Face” in Your Boudoir Photos

Sexy face in your boudoir photos

One of the most common things we hear from women prior to their boudoir sessions is, “I don’t know how to make a sexy face,” to which we always reply, “That’s okay, because we’ll never ask you to!”

I mean, can you imagine? How WOULD you make a sexy face if we asked you to during a boudoir session? I’m picturing slightly squinted eyes and maybe a little puckering of the lips. Oh, but wait…not TOO much of a pucker because you wouldn’t want to accidentally make duck lips. Eeeek! Okay, nevermind the pucker. Maybe just shut your eyes and bite your bottom lip instead….Would that look sexy? Or would it look like you just stubbed your toe on something? Oh, geez…

The bottom line is that we never want your facial expressions to look forced or unnatural in your boudoir photos, and this is precisely why none of The Adore Girls’ photographers will ever ask you to “make a sexy face” during your photo shoot.

Instead, we have three easy tips that anyone can use to achieve natural-looking, sultry expressions in their boudoir photos:

First, allow yourself to feel sexy.

As simple as this may sound, one reason why our Adore Girls always look so sexy in their photos is because they were able to allow themselves to FEEL sexy during their photo shoots. Now, if you’ve never had a boudoir session before, we realize this may seem easier said than done, but trust us. Once you’ve had your hair and makeup done by one of our professional artists, you’ve put on your gorgeous lingerie, and your photographer has helped coach you into a seductive, yet very flattering pose, it’s hard NOT to feel like the hottest woman in Nashville!

Just keep in mind that one of the key ingredients to feeling sexy during your boudoir session lies in how your wardrobe fits. It is for this reason that we always stress the importance of trying on every single piece of wardrobe that you plan to bring BEFORE the day of your boudoir session, because we only want you to bring pieces that you KNOW you feel comfortable and sexy in. If you wait until the day of your shoot to try on your lingerie, you may find that it doesn’t fit, or that it fits your body in a way that makes you feel self-conscious, and that uncomfortable feeling will absolutely translate in your photos. We would much rather you exude confidence when you walk out of the dressing room, because confidence is sexy, and THAT is the feeling we want to capture in your photos!

Second, relax your forehead.

It is very common for women to raise their eyebrows while having their photo taken. This is often done subconsciously, but it especially happens when the photographer asks the client to tilt her chin upwards for a certain pose (because everyone tends to use their forehead muscles to look up). Unfortunately, raised eyebrows in photographs usually come across as looking more “worried” than “sexy.” So, just try your best to stay aware of any tension you may be holding in your forehead, and if your photographer asks you to tilt your chin upwards, try to think about using your neck muscles to look up, rather than your eyebrows. If you can’t seem to remember these things on your own, though, don’t worry! You can definitely count on your photographer to remind you to relax your forehead throughout your boudoir session. We’ve got you, girl!

Third, breathe through your mouth.

While a subtle pucker or pout might look super sexy on some women, more often than not it just ends up looking forced and makes the client feel silly. The better option, we’ve found, for achieving a sultry expression is to simply relax your bottom jaw and part your lips just enough to be able to breathe through your mouth. Easy as that! Of course, we’re not suggesting that you do this for every single photo, but you’ll be amazed by how much this easy little trick will crank the “sexy” up a few notches whenever you choose to use it!

And there you have it! The Adore Girls’ 3 Easy Tips for Achieving “Sexy Face” in Your Boudoir Photos! See?!? I told you anyone can do it! While you can definitely find some other tips and recommendations about this subject online (and, trust us, we’ve probably tried those, too), the tips we’ve shared with you today are our most tried-and-true favorites for helping our clients achieve very natural-looking, yet super sultry expressions during their photo shoots.

Now, you’re Definitely ready to become an Adore Girl!

Contact our office Monday - Friday, 9:00-5:00, via call to 615-336-4256



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