5 Common Excuses for NOT Booking a Boudoir Session

If you’re still on the fence about booking a boudoir photo shoot, then chances are good that you’ve probably come up with a few excuses or “reasons” why you shouldn’t book a boudoir session. Am I right?

1. “I'm not currently in a relationship, so I don't have anyone to do a boudoir session for.”

Close mirror boudoir photography shoot

You absolutely, 100% DO have someone (very important, in fact) to do a boudoir session for - YOURSELF! Sure, that may sound a little cheesy at first, but hear us out. There is a reason why The Adore Girls’ motto has always been, “It’s not just a photo shoot…it’s an experience,” and that is because it’s the absolute truth.

Since first opening our luxury boudoir photography studio in 2012, hundreds (maybe even thousands, at this point) of women have shared with us a wide variety of reasons why they chose to have a boudoir session solely for themselves. We’ve had clients who are survivors of sexual abuse who wanted to book a boudoir session as a step towards reclaiming their sexuality. Some women book boudoir sessions because they feel like they’ve kind of lost themselves over the years, and they want to remind themselves that they’ve “still got it!” We’ve had clients diagnosed with breast cancer book boudoir sessions both before and after undergoing mastectomies as a way of honoring and documenting their strong, beautiful bodies. We’ve even had therapists recommend our boudoir photography studio to clients as part of their ongoing treatments for body dysmorphia and/or eating disorders.

Those, of course, are some of the more serious examples of why some women have chosen to book boudoir sessions for themselves over the years. However, for many other women, it’s as simple as wanting to be treated to some long-overdue pampering, while also getting to feel like a supermodel for a day (to which we say, “Yeah, girl! Treat yo’self! Every woman deserves this experience!”).

The fact of the matter is that the majority of women who have had a boudoir session with us walk away with so much more than just beautiful, sexy photographs. They walk out of our studio with their heads held a little higher, a little more swagger to their step, and the knowledge that they, too, are beautiful, desirable, sexy, brave, bold, and badass! Now, what better reason is there to have a boudoir session than THAT?!


2. “There's no way I can look as sexy as the other women I've seen in your boudoir photos.”

So, here’s the interesting thing most women don’t realize when they’re looking at the gorgeous Adore Girls featured in our Portfolio - the majority of those women also told us that they didn’t think they could look sexy in their photos, either. Crazy, right?!? So, what’s our secret to making regular, non-supermodel women like yourself look like they belong in a magazine?

Well, nutshell, we are VERY good at what we do. For starters, we have an amazing roster of professional hair and makeup artists who do a phenomenal job of transforming our clients into a more glamorous version of their everyday selves.

Secondly, The Adore Girls’ all-female photography team (consisting of Jamie Pfister and Lindsey Gregory) has collectively over 18 years of experience specializing in boudoir photography! This means that we are highly skilled at listening to our clients and making sure they feel extremely comfortable, while also knowing the best wardrobe choices, angles, poses, and lighting to use in order to capture the most flattering, gorgeous photos of every woman that we have the honor of working with.

So, in other words, yes you CAN look as sexy as the other women you’ve seen in our boudoir photos, and we will be more than happy to prove it to you!

Black lingerie boudoir bed pose photoshoot

3. “I don’t want naked photos of myself to end up on the Internet.”

Technically, this could be considered two misconceptions in one, because having a boudoir session does NOT mean that you have to pose in the nude (just to clarify, for those of you who may have heard or thought otherwise), and it also does not mean that your photos are automatically going to be posted on the Internet. In fact, our clients’ privacy is our highest priority, which is why we will NEVER post any images on the Internet, or have them printed in any way, without our client’s expressed written consent.

Attractive B&W nude boudoir photography

On the day of your boudoir session, before you get into hair & makeup, your photographer will present to you our Model Release form and go over it with you in detail. When signing this form, you have the option to either release your images (giving The Adore Girls permission to post them on our website and social media, use them for marketing, print them in sample albums, etc.), or you can decline the release and your images will stay 100% private.


4. “I've never posed half-naked for photos in front of a stranger before, so I'm sure the photo shoot will be awkward.”

While it is completely normal for you to feel a little nervous at the beginning of your boudoir session, we promise you that the nerves will quickly dissolve once the photo shoot is underway. In fact, one of the most common things we hear from our clients at the end of their sessions is, “That was so much more fun than I was expecting!” That’s because it’s not only fun to spend a few hours playing sexy dress-up and feeling like a supermodel, but The Adore Girls’ photographers are all…well, hmmm, how do I put this….we’re basically all a bunch of goofballs.

So, if you’re expecting to be photographed by a super serious and somewhat strict photographer who is going to get frustrated if you can’t do exactly what they want, please rest assured that we are the complete opposite of that! We always have good music playing in the studio and are constantly cutting up with our clients during their boudoir sessions. And if you’re not able to get into a certain pose (because all bodies are different and move differently), do not sweat it! We have a million other poses and tweaks we can try to help you look your absolute best.


4. “I’d feel guilty spending that kind of money on myself.”

As women (especially those who are mothers), we often feel like we must put other people’s needs before our own. We are afraid that by investing in ourselves, we’ll be acting selfishly and/or “taking away” from our loved ones in some way when, in fact, the exact opposite of that is true.

Red-colored lingerie boudoir photography

It is actually extremely important to try to make an effort to practice self-love and self-care so that you can be your absolute best self FOR the other people in your life that you care about! For example, we’ve had past clients tell us that they feel like they’re now better role models for their daughters because they are much more self-confident and less critical of their bodies since having a boudoir session. We’ve also had husbands contact us to thank us for helping their wives realize how sexy they truly are, which subsequently helped spice up their love lives! ;) So, in this regard, investing in a boudoir experience for yourself can actually be considered an investment towards bettering your loved ones’ lives, as well.

If you are feeling uneasy about making the total investment all at once, we have great news about that, too! You don’t have to! The Adore Girls are proud to offer our clients three convenient payment plan options. We will be more than happy to go over the details with you and discuss any other questions you may have during a free phone consultation. Simply call us at (615) 336-4256, Monday - Friday, 9:00-5:00pm.

Now that we have successfully debunked 5 common excuses for not booking a boudoir session, what are you waiting for???

You are SO ready to become an Adore Girl!

Contact our office Monday - Friday, 9:00-5:00, via call to 615-336-4256


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Why We Shoot Boudoir