Boudoir Posing Secrets—7 Flattering Poses that Will Make You Look Like a Model
There’s a good chance that if you are reading this you just booked your first-ever boudoir photo shoot and you are looking for a little guidance. Or perhaps you are considering your first boudoir shoot, but you want to know more about what to expect before you make that call. One of the biggest concerns women have before their shoot is the fear of not knowing how to pose. Part of a boudoir photographer’s job is not just to point a camera at you, but it’s showing you exactly how to pose. I can only speak for Jamie and myself, but, with every client we get into the pose showing you precisely how to position your body, and continue coaching you as you get into the pose. Small movements with hands, eyes, shoulders, chest, legs and feet are important too. In our studio you will hear; “point your toes, breathe through your mouth, pull your shoulders back and lower your eyes” a ton, and these are just a few tricks we have up our sleeves.
In today’s blog we are sharing some of our go to poses that we coach many of our Adore Girl clients into during a session. We have made the flattest of tushies look like a perfect little peach. Posing is one of the most important aspects of a successful boudoir photo shoot, and experience in photographing all body types makes a huge difference too. Luckily for us, as I type this, we have offcially been posing women for 13+ years now, and feel very confident in posing any woman who steps into our studio. So take a little stretch and let’s check out the variations of each pose too, shall we?
Pose #1: The Arch—Important in Many Poses
How it works: Lying on the back or slightly propped up, arching the back creates an elegant, feminine silhouette.
Why it’s flattering: Enhances curves, elongates the torso, and looks effortless.
Pose #2: Peek-a-Booty
How it works: Start by laying flat on your stomach, keep you bottom leg straight, bed top knee, resting that foot on the calf of your straight leg, lay your head on your out stretched arm.
Why it’s powerful: With a little curl of a hip you can round your booty, paying flat at the top creates more curve at the waist.
Pose #3: The Sultry Laying Down Lean—Confidence in Every Curve
How it works: Laying on one side, use an arm are to prop you up slightly.
Why it’s perfect: Creates gorgeous lines and exudes confidence.
Pose #4: The Soft Embrace—Romantic & Feminine
How it works: Arms gently wrapped around the body, either seated or standing.
Why it works: Adds intimacy and self-love energy to the pose.
Pose #5: Legs for Days—Elongation at Its Best
How it works: Sitting or lying down with extended legs, one knee bent to create a triangle.
Why it’s flattering: Lengthens the body and creates a powerful, elegant look.
Pose #6: The Booty Pop—Bubble Butt Effect
How it works: Start on your knees and then extend you top half or stay on your elbows.
Why it’s empowering: This pose isn’t the easiest……………….butttttttttt, it’s worth it every time.
Pose #7: The Standing Lean—Soft & Strong
How it works: Leaning on a wall or window allows us to create lots of curves in your body.
Why it’s empowering: This pose radiates confidence and strength in every body type.
Posing Shouldn’t Be a Worry
Fret not. Today you have viewed a very small amount of poses from our mental rolodex of poses. Not only are we creating shape when we are posing you (look for the triangles, that’s really what we are doing), but we are continously watching where light and shadows are hitting you, and we create shadows and light with how we use our camera settings. We also use photoshop to “Polish the Penny” as Jamie puts it. As we are snapping away with our cameras we are watching to make sure that we are also able to create the perfect final image when we retouch your pictures in post production too. Yes, posing plays a large role, but so there’s much more to it than just your pose.
In short:
Expert posing guidance ensures a stress-free experience, knowing you are working with photographers with a ton of experience makes all the difference.
Every woman deserves to feel confident and beautiful, something we feel very strongly about.
Are you ready to see yourself in a whole new light? Let’s create together—you can book your boudoir session as far out as next year!
Our Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.
Sessions are held Tuesday-Saturday.
☎︎ Call Jamie: 615-336-4256
📱 Text Jamie: 615-667-8578
📧 Email:
Lindsey & Jamie