The Adore Girls

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4 Boudoir Poses That Work for EVERY Body Type

Have you ever looked at the gorgeous photos in our Gallery or our social media and wondered, “How in the Hell did these women know how to pose like that?” or, “How could I ever manage to make that pose look that good? I’m not a supermodel!”

We hear comments like these all the time, and we totally get it! We understand that it’s probably not every day that you pose in lingerie, or maybe even in the nude, while someone you barely know takes photos of you, and it’s not like these are completely natural positions in which we all sit, stand, and lie around on a regular basis. So, of COURSE it’s going to seem intimidating, and maybe even a little bit scary, at first. However, the truth is that posing for intimate boudoir portraits is not as tough as it looks, and anyone can look amazing in their boudoir photos! (Yes, even you!)

Since 2012, The Adore Girls have helped literally thousands of women feel confident and look sexy during their photo shoots, no matter their body shape, size, age, or phase of life. In other words, we are experts at knowing which poses, lighting, and wardrobe are going to be the most flattering for your body type, and our clients are always amazed and thrilled by the results!

Whether you’re nervous about being “too curvy” or “not curvy enough” (neither of these are a real thing, by the way), or if you’re concerned about stretch marks or scars, or you’re just afraid of looking awkward in your boudoir photos, you’re not alone! However, we guarantee that, with our expertise, guidance, and hands-on coaching throughout your photo shoot, you’ll be surprised by how effortless it can be to look and feel drop-dead gorgeous!

Here are some of our go-to boudoir poses that work for every body type:

1. Sitting or Lying on Your Side

We love this classic and simple boudoir pose. It always looks amazing with any body type, because it emphasizes the curve of a woman’s hip and booty while also making her legs look a mile long! We often start our boudoir sessions with this pose while our client is either sitting on the couch or floor or while she’s lying on a bed, because it’s a great way for our clients to ease into the process and become comfortable in front of the camera.

The key to this pose is being sure to stay forward on your hip rather than sitting or lying back onto your bum. Use one arm to help prop yourself up on one side and put your legs out to the opposite side. Then, bend whichever knee is on top and roll your hips forward a little so that the bent knee rests on the sofa, floor, or bed in front of you. (This is what shapes your body into that gorgeous “S” curve.) You can either rest your free hand (the one that isn’t propping you up) down in front of you, use it to play in your hair, or you can rest your free hand on your hip while allowing your elbow to fall slightly behind your waist. Finally, pull your shoulders back, and don’t forget to point your toes!

2. Lying on Your Back

Lying on your back is another simple, yet super sexy boudoir pose that is flattering for every body, and it happens to be a favorite pose of ours because it is FULL of variation possibilities!

This pose begins simply enough - just lie on your back. (How easy is that?) From there, you can either bend both of your knees, or you can prop your feet up on the headboard, sofa, or even the wall (depending on where you’re posing). Wherever you choose to place your feet, make sure that they are staggered so that one knee is bent a little more than the other. Then, push that knee across your body towards the less-bent knee (like how you’d squeeze your knees together if you had to pee really badly). Again, it’s all about creating that gorgeous “S” shape with your legs. From there, the possibilities of what to do with your hands and face are endless! We might ask you to direct your eyes downward as you pull the bra straps off your shoulders, use both of your hands to play in your hair, or tilt your head back to look directly into the camera as you playfully bite your finger, just to name a few options. No matter which variation of this pose you end up doing, though, always remember to keep your chin pointed slightly upwards, pop your chest up to the ceiling, and point those toes, girl!

3. Leaning Against a Wall

When it comes to flattering boudoir poses, a wall can be your best friend! Whether you’re facing the wall, leaning sideways against it, or it’s to your back, using a wall is another sure-fire way to create beautiful and unique boudoir photos, no matter your body type.

The process of creating wall poses is actually quite similar to posing on your back. For most of these leaning poses, you will stand just a few inches out from the wall so that you can then either lean into it (if you’re standing sideways or facing the wall) or fall back against it (if you’re posing with your back to the wall). Then, putting all of your weight on one foot, bend your other knee and push it towards your other leg (again, as if you have to pee). From there, there are TONS of variations we can play with to finish out the pose, as seen in the examples above. No matter what the final pose ends up being, though, you always want to keep a small arch in your lower back, pull your shoulders back so that you are standing up nice and tall, and please, for the love….point those toes!!!

4. Lying on Your Stomach

This pose is definitely a boudoir staple because it truly complements every woman! As photographers, we love it because it looks great when photographed from any angle, but our clients tend to like this pose because it minimizes the #1 area that most women worry about - our stomachs. While this does happen to be true, our intention when we pose a client on her stomach is never to hide her tummy (just for the record). Rather, this pose is a great way to show off some gorgeous cleavage, legs, and booty, and it’s a fantastic pose for capturing some beautiful headshots, as well!

There are plenty of ways to get creative with this boudoir pose. First, you would begin by lying on your stomach. (Duh.) Then, your legs can be positioned by either keeping them straight behind you and crossing at the ankles, bending one of your knees up toward your stomach (like an “Army crawl” position), or even crossing at the ankles and then bending your knees to pull your feet up towards your bum. The upper body is a bit more limited in movement for this pose, but we still achieve a good bit of variety by having you either prop yourself up on your elbows or by asking you to lie all the way down (which is a great position for “booty pop” photos!). Regardless of the pose variation, it’s always a good idea to keep your shoulders pulled back so you don’t look scrunched and your neck stays visible, try to pop your booty up or out if you can (depending on the pose), and always, always, always - say it with me now - POINT THOSE TOES!!!!

And there you have The Adore Girls’ Top 4 Boudoir Poses That Work for EVERY Body Type!

Of course, we have SO MANY OTHER poses that we also love, and we are always coming up with new poses and variations that we can’t wait to try out with our clients. However, the four listed above have definitely become our most go-to poses because they’ve proven themselves over the years to be the most natural-looking and flattering for ALL women!

So, are YOU ready to become an Adore Girl?

(Spoiler Alert: The answer is YES!)

Contact our office Monday - Friday, 9:00-5:00, via call to 615-336-4256
